Fat-bitches from England are s*cks!!
Finally, i made it up for a short hols in Phuket. Bought the flight tickets 5 days prior to my flight. It was impromptu. Initially, i only planned for a simple trip to Port Dickson. Was thinking, it surely be nice to relax by the beach. But, something went wrong. I was angry, seriously angry. It was my plan for months to get a room at a resort with the help of nas. But it turned out to be someone else's trip. Oh btw, yep she spoilt it.
uh-uh i seem to forget things happened in phuket. Oh Mieza, just list down whatever's in mind!

Bangla Road, Patong
So, intan n i made a crazy decision. We headed to PWTC simply to usha tix for nov/ dec trip. But we were bloody excited plus i was angry about the initial plan to PD, so i bought the tix instantly. It was my first trip ever with intan. THough we've been friends for long time, we never had any trips together. We doubted that our relationship could survive during the trip. We two are two different persons with completely different personality. We knew each other quite well, that if we would have argued over something, there cud be another world war! So, this trip was a sort of a test. If we dun survive, it shows we dont connect that well, and we might not be best friends anymore. Little arguements could really trigger me to get on the nerve. So, we agreed, no matter what happened in phuket, stayed in phuket. Everything went well on the whole. I didn't care what she
looked for, neither her. As long as, we keep an eye on each other.

Our room- Patong Bel'aire resort
SO, we got a good room in Patong Bel'aire Resort. we spent 3 days two nights there. And we didnt waste a single minute. THe moment we arrived, we knew where we should head to. I had copies of the town's map in hands and studied them. BANGLA ROAD. YEs. THat was the party place that people talked about. Heaps of bars and nightclubs along the road, prostitutes, hot-white-stupid guys, lady boys, cheap drinks...woaah..i went mad!! So, we browsed through the bars, and we settled down. We had a gud fun! we spent until 4 am in the morning before headed back to our room!! I felt wasted and couldn't lay my head down. ..
Woke up at 8 in the morning. It was raining, so we had our breakfast before we went around town. I was sooooo stupid to leave my swimmers back in Malaysia. So i had to buy a new pair of them. We went shopping some souvenirs and lepaking at one big mall until the rain stopped. It was 5 pm, that we finally made our way to the beach. So, we walked through Bangla Road. Damn, it was happy-hour. We quicken our steps to the beach, was hoping to mandi-manda. But it was dissapointing to see the water was dirty cause of the pouring rain, plus it was already late. So, we had a stroll for few mins, took some pics, before we returned to the ro
om to change clothes for our next agenda! Happy-hour session. Aussie Bar, that was my pick. I like the bar because it was like the real aussie! with the country songs and aussie env. We had our dinner and some drinks before started conversations with other ppl.

The Aussie Bar. This Thai guy is sebok!
I watched some guys played pool. Tangan kaki dah gatai. Cant sit still. SO, i put my name on the list. hoping to play with the winner of previous round. YEAY!! won over two games! THe mat saleh guys looked frustrated, cause they lost to a girl *wink*. Talked to an old man accompanied by his two sons from ENgland. One's underage and another's sooo goofy. But we get along. At 12 midnight, we headed to the Channel [V] nightclub nearby. It was more into r n b and hip hop music. I wasn't that pissed. SO, not exactly in the mood to do anything. Matty, the English guy was already wasted. Intan was gone with my smoke. I just sat back and enjoyed the music.
So, i turned to the next table and initiated a conversation. The two guys were nice. One was a Swiss and one was an aussie. SInce im familiar with Australia, and ive got a Swiss friend, we had a lot to talk about. After an hour, we were off to 'Hollywood', another nightclub. Intan had her own agenda, so she took our room key and went away. I stayed with these males because it was only 2 am!! plus, the night was still young, despite the fact that i had to be on the boat at 7.30am to Phi Phi Island!!!! i wasn't in the mood to flirt, just wanted to have some company. and I was glad cause they were the nice ones, and treated me really nice. Not like others who thought i was a working girl. SO, i was taken care of these males. THe place was crowded. FULL OF P
ROSTITUTES!!! they thought i was on my 'shift' and even talked to me in Thai!!!!Hello, im not a Thai!! and wouldnt be proud to be one! would rather to be an Indian than a Thai!. At 4.30 am, decided to go home, wanted to catch some sleep. I didnt wanna feel sick on the boat. So, left the place and headed to Bel'aire.
Went to bed at 6 and woke up at 7!!!. Intan and i were panic! We hadn't packed our bag and taken morning shower!. Saree, our tour guide waited for us. I could see he was a bit angry! I felt very sick through out the journey by the 4WD. I even felt sicker when i was on the boat! After an hour ride, we went snorkelling. The island was okay, intan claimed redang's corals are better than here. But , i still had fun. it was a big day, was really really exhausted. At 5, we were back on mainland. and waited for saree to drive us to the airport to catch our flight home. Bloody hell, 3 days without a break! It was worth it. Hoped the trip was longer! Now, back to reality!!
On our way to Phi Phi Island
Im glad i was behaving. It determined that im no longer wild! Yoohoo!! and i can control my fun-needs.
Intan and I survived the trip, and the relationship's stronger! We know our darkest secrets better than before! Love u bitch..Smmmooooccchhh!!!!
Att: Some pics have to be censored from public view..haphunka danke tschon thank you