School hols was sucks at first. I ran away from home. ALthough i planned to stay home with family. But. Urgh. She did it again. What the hell is her probs??! She seemed like she wanted to get rid of me from this house.Fine. U want it. So, u deserve it! I made my decision to leave the house, and took my cat back to Batang Kali. My heart was really broken. I've been treated badly. I cried nights and days. When it came to Graduation Day at IPBA, I even went there on my own. My dad's freaking mad!. He just couldn't understand why I can't deal with my own sister!. I don't know what i did wrong (perhaps, a lot). BUt hey! im just not ALIM like her. SHe has to accept that!. I wouldnt wanna wear what she wears. I wouldnt wanna believe what she believes in. I have my own way of perceiving life!. Uh. After all, I still love her. I never criticise her for who she is, she should be thankful for that. IShe's a top 5 student in medic school, she's a 5 time-prayer, she fills her bank account with more digits! What else does she want? a bf?
Talking about bf, I would rather not marrying anyone! Jerks are everywhere. Damn it. I don't find quality guys, nor i have the quality. What I want, is a guy who can perfectly match our lives together. We don't have to have things in common. We don't have to like the same things in life (except sex, i guess its important to like it). All we need is sharing, (not money, bleh), sharing life, sharing thoughts, sharing ideas, sharing interests, sharing bed. err..that's it. NOT EVERY FREAKING THING!. It's about compromising, U say black, I say white. vice versa. u know...ying and yang...

For nearly 2 yrs, I still cry at night, everytime when he slipped into the thought.
Well, maybe Im not ready yet. I haven't completely moved on. He's been the guy. He's the best I've ever had. *sigh*. I've tried to forget the emotional parts. But can't erase him from my mind. We went through a lot in the beginning. He made me live in fantasy, since the first time we met. He was my fantasy!. and he still is! Everything we had was real things in a fantasy world.

How could i forget him? Ive had rebound relationship since after. My r/ships didnt work out after him.damn damn damn.

So, this is him and his gf. Both in white tops. They hooked up right after we broke up. Saying im jealous? yes of course I am! I would only be happy if he has a new gf soon!

Malaysia's little England, Fraser's Hill
Btw, ive had fantastic hols when Azrin came over for 3 days. If only we had some other people. we could have slumber party ;). So, one unforgettable experience. She paid for a freaking expensive gerai-style lunch in Kuala Kubu Bharu. THe food was good though. Then, we made our way up to Fraser's Hill, Pahang that's abt 30 km away The road was narrow and winding. We both felt dizzy. She puke. I didnt. We were so relieved when we arrived, and we cooled down, took some picts. after 40 mins we left the place. and guess what, Azrin puked badly when we made our way back to Batang Kali. Azrin was the second person who puked on my passenger seat! nasty nasty ;). Still, Loved you when u were here girl! She made my days!! smmooocchhh ; )

Azrin's pic of puking has to be censored. Sorry Azrin. He he